The next big thing from the makers of FaceRig.Get Animaze on
Join a community of over 1 million Streamers, YouTubers, VTubers, Artists, and Creatives who use our avatars!
Endless entertainment for your friends, followers, and fans Works Anywhere With a Webcam
Apps Similar To Facerig
Use your avatars on Twitch, Discord, Skype, Zoom, and more at the click of a button. The tags customers have most frequently applied to FaceRig have also been applied to these products: Free To Play. The app provides its users with things like simulation, visual effects, rigging, modeling, and much more stuff. It is also accessible on specific operating systems such as Mac, Windows, and Linux. That renders your pissy job easy. It’s one of the finest Facerig solutions that has a bunch of things. I can’t even discuss that in this entire. See also: Top 10 Apps like VITA - Video Editor & Mak. VITA is a simple & easy video editing app with all features you need for videography! Start creating amazing videos with all the high-quality features in VITA. Export videos in full HD quality.
Apps Like Facerig Free
Tons of Avatars to Choose From
Choose from a wide variety of 2D and 3D to suit your preference, personality, or mood. Discord as a Dinosaur, Twitch as a Tiger, Zoom as a Cartoon, and more! Deep Customization
Use powerful customization tools to create your own unique avatar variants. Add props like hats, glasses, and mustaches too! The Successor to FaceRig
Animaze is built from the ground up with a brand new embodiment engine designed for our avatars. Enhanced face tracking, more expressive animation, and custom rendering technology improve on every core aspect of FaceRig. Attention artists: Check out the Animaze Editor! Create your own avatars, props, and backgrounds from Maya, Live2D, Blender, and more! CHECK OUT THE ANIMAZE EDITOR
Check out Animaze for the iPhone! Record short avatar videos to share with friends on messaging and social media apps! CHECK IT OUT ON THE APP STORE