Folder Structure Diagram

Recently, while preparing the README file for a project hosted on GitLab, I came across the possibility of using mermaid to generate diagrams from markdown-like text. This gave me the idea of trying to recreate the tree-like diagram obtained from the tree -L 2 command.

  1. Folder Structure Diagram Word
  2. Class Diagram
  3. Folder Structure Diagram Excel

The tree-like format was not fully preserved (the root appears as the leftmost element, but not at the top, and the reading of the elements is not as vertical, for example), but the result, made as simple as I could, was interesting, as you can see here. Also, there are a few points to keep in mind:

  • The diagram (a.k.a. flowchart) generated with mermaid takes up more space than the diagram generated with the tree -L 2 command. In addition, if the purpose of this diagram is merely to provide an overview of the directory structure of a given project, obtaining it with mermaid may require extra effort that has no clear benefit.
  • With the help of style features, you can use the color, for example, of subgraph boundaries (stroke) to encode whether a group of elements concerns a folder or not. This information is already encoded to some extent in the indentation or vertical positioning but may be useful, for example, to separate subgroups of files under the same helper text from other files at the same hierarchical level.
  • The use of subgraphs for individual files, as in the case of the README file, is because they have a title. This way each file may also have a helper text.
  • The default placement of titles, as well as the 'boxes' of each subgraph, can help, in my opinion, the user to quickly associate a particular helper text with the corresponding elements.
  • At the interaction level, it is possible to associate a hyperlink with each node (check the root and the README file, please). On the other hand, you can select text from this diagram and copy it easily.

Finally, if you want to know more about mermaid or GitLab Flavored Markdown, you can check out the links. I hope this quick sharing can be helpful to you!

A directory is a container that is used to contain folders and files. It organizes files and folders in a hierarchical manner. There are several logical structures of a directory, these are given below. The single-level directory is the simplest directory structure. In it, all files are contained in the same directory which makes it easy to. 15 Folder Structure Diagram Visio. There is source code folder, output folder, resources folder, 3rd party libs folder etc. So, some visualization and diagrams would be very useful when explaining the project structure to my coworkers. Visio creates by default an empty static structure diagram when you first start a uml model. Steps in Designing Folder Structure 1. Decide on the main categories in your nonprofit organization; most of the time, these are going to be departments or major business activities. Later, you will create main folders that correspond to these departments or activities. Examples of main folders are boxed in the diagram on the right. Dec 17, 2019 Word provides a variety of tools for working with outlines, including tools that allow you to adjust the heading levels of elements in your outline. When working with the outline of a document, you can easily move whole sections of your document. It is as easy as selecting a heading and clicking an up or down arrow. Jul 16, 2021 10+ Folder Structure Diagram. If you have a standard folder and subfolder structure for each design project, you'll. Setting up your folder structure. SOLVED Drawing a Network Diagram – Best Program from Xtreeme sitexpert professional edition 9. Class diagram) to your view, right click on the view node project.


A good file plan allows you to find what you are looking for faster while making it easier to manage the lifecycle of your records. Ideally, you will be able to identify and manage the contents of your folders without having to open and review the content of each individual file, document, or email. Defining a strong folder and file naming system creates good habits, reduces the time and effort required to manage your electronic records, and supports business continuity and compliance for the office.

A strong folder structure:

  • Groups together records by function, such as putting all your contracts or grant records in one location
  • Groups together records by cutoff and retention period for easy deletion at the end of the retention period -- don't mix your 1-year and 6-year records
  • Allows for easy identification of individual records without having to open each file to determine what it contains
  • Is straightforward and quick for everyday use -- resist overcomplicating and don't add too many subfolders
Also check out our recommendations on file/folder naming conventions.

Folder Structure Diagram Word

Defining the Folder Structure

Find the records you are most interested in and corresponding folder structures in the different sections below.

These examples are separated by type of cut-off, which is the trigger that starts the clock for the retention to count down. Take note that there are two types of cut-offs for records.

Class Diagram

Fixed in time: There are some records that calculate their retention period from the date of creation or some fixed cyclical period (e.g. month, quarter, calendar year, academic year, fiscal year, etc.). These records can be filed by month/quarter/year straightaway because the cutoff date is already known and the full retention period can be calculated from the instant they are created or received.

Event based: These records calculate their retention period based on an event that will happen in the future. At the moment a record is first created, the date that a student will graduate or that an employee will separate from a department is unknown. These records must reside in an 'active' repository up until the point the cut-off is reached, whereupon they can then be filed by month/quarter/year.

Folder Structure Diagram Excel

The type of cut-off your records have will define the type of folder structure they require. Click on the icons below for specific folder structure examples by category or click here for the mobile- and screen reader-friendly version.